West Media

Demo Reel
The Blacksmith
When Designing the sound for this game "The Blacksmith" I used different techniques and platforms. To make the sound effects I used Pro tools for recording and mixing. I used Logic Pro X's sampler to alter sounds to get different results. When making the background noises, I recorded the outside/wind ambience, and layered it with other sounds found in the Westar Sound Library. Afterwards, I created a loop. The Large orb sound was used from Westar and also layered with other sounds. Using Varispeed I was able to slow down the sound to my liking and then creating a loop effect. The same goes for the other sound effects heard. The voices and footsteps of all characters were recorded using My H5 Zoom Recorder, then lowered in pitch to create a bigger sound. The players body movements were also recorded.
Using Wwise I was able to position things within the game according to where they were onscreen. As well as using attenuation to make things sound closer or farther depending on the players distance. Background stingers (crows and vulture) were randomized in pitch and playback to create more variations than there really were. Wwise allowed me to do more mixing and volume control before implementing the sounds into the game. To make things playback as it should I created random containers and switch containers for each sound group which was then created into play events to implement them into the game.
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